About Me

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Born in 1950’s, Byron has three children, Elyse, Diana and Matthew. Byron and Candy married in 2006. Candy has two sons, Brad and Ben. Ben is married to Ashley and have two children. Brad is married to Sascha and have a dog and a cat.

Monday, August 12, 2019

2019-05-19 Prayer

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.
Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.” – John 13:34-35 (NRSV)

Loving God,
Jesus commanded the disciples to love one another.
But loving is so very hard!
Sometimes I am wounded by the words of others.
Sometimes I am abused by others.

And, it is so very hard to love when I’m hurting.
Jesus commands us to love as we have been loved,
Help me,
help us altogether,
help us each,
to proclaim,
to embody,
to incarnate,
your love for the world,
your love for our neighbors,
your love for ourselves.

Prayer List

Lover of Peace, turn our hearts from anger, strife, discord, and hatred, and let us pray at this time for those countries suffering at the hands of war and violence; to Burkina Faso where gunmen killed six people during Mass at a Catholic church; to Sudan where another six were killed in political protests and Sri Lanka where revenge attacks on Muslims are taking place in the aftermath of the Easter bombings. Let your love reign amongst and between us and be a shining example for us to emulate.
Seeker of the Lost, open our eyes to see those around us, and around the world, who are all-too-often overlooked.
Healer of the world, prod us to reach out to the unclean, vulnerable, and abandoned.
Resurrected Lord, remind us again of your transformative presence with each, and all, of us.
Let us thank you Lord, for the relief to the families of the 54 women and children in Nigeria who have been freed from Boko Haram this week and for the many charities dedicated to supporting and working for the many countries in dire need of emergency aid, especially in North Korea where up to ten million are in urgent need of food assistance in their worst drought in 37 years.

May the world know us,
May the world know you,
Because of the love you have for us,
Because of the love we have for you, for one another, and for ourselves.

May God the Father who gives life to the world grant you grace to be faithful in the service of his Kingdom. Amen.
May God the Son who walked the way of obedience, suffering and death grant you grace to live his life and proclaim his glory. Amen.
May God the Holy Spirit who strengthens the people of God grant you grace to hold lightly and give generously of all that has been entrusted to you in this world. Amen

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
In the name of Christ. Amen.

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